Sunshine Farm and Gardens: Rare and Exceptional Plants
Sunshine Farm and Gardens
Rare and Exceptional Plants for the
Discriminating Gardener and Collector

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Affordable Trilliums

Trilliums just have to be the most beloved wildflower of any native or non-native plants that I can think of. Many folks that I chat plants with, remember them fondly from childhood walks in the woods with their grandparents. Trilliums are very easy to grow and are a long lived perennial plant whose size can double every year when taken proper care of. Proper care means, just keeping them weeded and fed with a good perennial plant food and mulched to keep them from totally drying out during dry spells - that's all there is to it.

Over the years, I've seen them offered by some of the major mailorder garden retailers such as Wayside Gardens and White Flower Farm for exorbitant prices of up to $30.00 each, with the justification that they were difficult to propagate. That myth couldn't be further from the truth! While the time span required to achieve a mature flowering plant from seed can be as long as 7 years, rhizome propagation is much quicker, easier and more fruitful. And I know from experience, as I've spent the last 30 plus years building production stock beds of well over 100,000 Trillium plants.

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I've been busy filling a pipeline with many species in the genus Trillium, mainly the most popular and well known, Trillium grandiflorum, (landscape photos above and to the right), but also large production blocks of many other species such as T. erectum, T. cuneatum, T. luteum, T. recurvatum and T. pusillum (flower close up above) with its delicate ruffled edges and purple flower backs.

There's a whole host of companion plants that Trilliums are right at home with, plants like Arisaema, Jeffersonia, Uvularia, Hellebores, Hepatica's, Ferns and .........well, just use your imagination.

And now that the pipeline is full, I can offer you flowering age Trillium grandiflorum at a price that won't have you taking out a second mortgage on your home. I also have ample stock on several of the other species mentioned and if you're interested in any of them, just email me for details. You can have Trillium grandiflorum growing magnificently in your own garden at the very reasonable prices listed below. What you'll get are mature flowering age rhizomes that were actually my stock plants this year and have been propagated by rhizome division. I'll carefully wrap them for their journey to your garden in long fibered, unmilled sphagnum moss. This material is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and a very useful material to recycle.

The prices shown below include FREE SHIPPING.

7  for $ 35.00 delivered ($5.00 ea)
10 for $ 45.00 delivered ($4.50 ea)
15 for $ 60.00 delivered ($4.00 ea)
20 for $ 70.00 delivered ($3.50 ea)
50 for $150.00 delivered ($3.00 ea)

Larger quantities at even lower prices upon request.

Ordering couldn't be easier! Just fill out the order form at // or download and print our order form and send it along with your check to:

Internet Order Department
Sunshine Farm & Gardens
HC 67 Box 539 B
Renick WV 24966 USA

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Copyright © Barry Glick 1996-2025. All Rights Reserved.

Barry Glick, Sunshine Farm and Gardens
696 Glicks Rd, Renick, WV 24966, USA
Phone: (304) 497-2208

Last modified February 19, 2020