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I really can't spare the time or space for very many tender
plants, but here's one hell of an exceptional
specimen that's virtually idiot
proof. Cyrtanthus elatus can be potted into a
6" pot and left there for years. In the first
year of growth, multiple new bulbs will be formed
kinda "piggyback" on the main bulb. When
these new bulbs put on a little weight, the pot
becomes full and you are blessed with multiple blooms of
huge, soft red, Amaryllis like flowers.
I've seen them flower at random times throughout the
year, but always a reliable May bloomer in this
After flowering, go ahead and pull a handful of bulbs
off and pot them up. You'll have an endless supply of
gifts for your friends. Even when it is not in
flower, the dark green, supple foliage is
The name Cyrtanthus comes from the Greek
Kyrtos, meaning curved and
anthos, flower. This is a reference to the flower
head that bends downward from the top of the stalk.
The clone that I'm growing came from Alan Armitage at the
University of Georgia at Athens. It's a superior
strain to the ones found in commerce that have been
imported from Holland. The Dutch bulbs tend to be shy
about flowering.
There are over 50 species in the genus Cyrtanthus,
many other species also have merits as houseplants.
Just the facts M'am:
Kingdom - Plantae - Plants
Phylum - Anthophytae
Class - Monocotolydonae -
Subclass - Liliidae
Order - Liliales
Family - Amaryllidaceae
Genus - Cyrtanthus
Species - elatus
Common name - genus - "Fire Lilies"
Common name - species - "George Lily",
"Scarborough Lily"
Synonyms - Vallota speciosa, Vallota purpurea
Native of - South Africa to eastern Africa
USDA Hardiness Zone - Zone 10
Light preference - Full sun to light shade,
almost any window.
Soil preference - Rich in organic matter
Moisture preference - Moist to average, drier in
winter, but water well in growth.
Bloom time - Early - mid Spring
Bloom color - White to red and every in between
Foliage - Dark green, supple
Spread - 8" -12"
Height - 12" - 18"
Landscape uses - Houseplant in most of US. Keep bulb
partly exposed or barely covered.
Medicinal uses - none that I have found
© 2001 Barry Glick and Sunshine Farm & Gardens