Iris cristata
Imagine my surprise when I revisited a distant woodland bed
here on the farm, that I'd planted a few years
earlier with some plants of Iris cristata. I
found that I'd inherited a colony numbering hundreds of
plants. In fact the colony was so tightly formed that
it made a groundcover impenetrable to weeds. Since
that day, I've used and recommended Iris
cristata extensively as a groundcover to many a
gardening friend.
The flower colors and patterns of Iris cristata are
one of the most variable that I've ever seen,
and there are many named cultivars including several
forms of Iris cristata alba. You can see an image
I've spent a lot of time photographing many different
flower forms of Iris cristata, and have grandiose
plans of putting them together in a gallery one of these
days when things slow down, so stay
As the name implies, the specific epithet,
cristata means crested and refers to the crest in the falls
of the flower. I'd hoped to give you more specific
information about the nativity of Iris
cristata, but one of my most trusted databases
disappointed me. The USDA Plants database, is just what
the name indicates. It's usually pretty
reliable, although in this case, it shows
Iris cristata as "Not Represented" in
Greenbrier County WV, the county I call home. I
know that it's native here because I've seen it in the wild
on several occasions. All in all, I really
shouldn't whine, as this database is pretty darn good
and I recommend it to you as a fun place to play and
learn. In the meantime, I'm emailing them to
report the omission.
Although this plant is a prolific flowerer, I can't
say that I've ever seen a seed set. Division is very
easy though by the rhizomatous runners that it
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Kingdom - Plantae - Plants
Subkingdom - Tracheobionta - Vascular
Superdivision - Spermatophyta - Seed
Division - Magnoliophyta - Flowering
Class - Liliopsida - monocotyledons
Subclass - Liliidae
Order - Liliales
Family - Iridaceae
Genus - Iris
Species - cristata
Common name - genus - "Iris"
Common name - species - crested Iris, dwarf
crested Iris
Synonyms - none that I have
Native of - Eastern US
USDA Hardiness Zone - zone 5, probably 4, possibly
Light preference - Full shade to dappled sunlight
Soil fertility preference - Average
Soil moisture preference - Average to well
Bloom time - Mid to late Spring
Bloom color - every imaginable shade of
Foliage - Medium green
Spread - forms a tight colony quickly
Height - 6" - 8"
Landscape uses - Naturalizing in a shade or light
sun border, woodland or rock garden- Great
Medicinal uses - None that I have found